There was a little-remarked upon but I think quite significant moment last night when Ann Romney introduced her husband after his victory in Illinois. She said:

"And let me tell you something else that's happening: Women are coming to me and saying, 'Will you please talk about deficit spending and budgets?'" [Ann Romney] said.

The crowd paused for the slightest of moments, signaling some confusion, before Ann brought them back with an emphatic, "I'm loving that, loving that."

"Women are angry, they're angry about the legacy we're going to leave our children and their grandchildren, and I'm going to tell them something: I've got somebody here that can fix it."

This account comes from the Huffington Post. I didn’t notice that the crowd signaled some confusion—it seemed very clear what Mrs. Romney was doing: rejecting the made-up notion put forward by Democrats that there is a GOP war on women and refocusing on issues that really matter to women.

The evidence that Democrats offer for a GOP war on women include things like Republicans' reluctance to force religious institutions that have moral objections to contraception to provide it free in health insurance policies. I can’t help thinking that the Democrats are overplaying their hand and that the public by and large is getting fed up with dishonest tactics of this sort.

I thought of Ann Romney’s sensible words about what women want (as opposed to what the left says they should want) when I read this American Spectator piece by Lisa Fabrizio:

Night after night, week after week, and year after year we must be subjected to the strident voices of these women complaining. Their hypocritical yelps include, but are by no means limited to: complaints about the "glass ceiling" while fully availing themselves of corporate Affirmative Action; complaints about discrimination while bullying men with legislation like Title IX; complaints about the lack of paid daycare while simultaneously advocating for abortion; and complaints about their treatment as "sex objects" while at the same time lobbying for license to irresponsible sex via free contraception. All of this makes me very, very angry….

I'm angry at the way Hollywood portrays women, with a condescending and hypocritical attitude that at once praises us — particularly our black sisters — as innately all knowing and all powerful, while at the same time insisting that we must be drop-dead gorgeous; equally able to avenge ourselves against our male oppressors while balancing on spiked heels. Yes, we must be depicted as the fantasies of both man-hating feminists and 13-year-old boys.

Now, can we talk about things that matter to women—like the deficit and the economy?