WASHINGTON, DC — In a statement released today, Nancy M. Pfotenhauer, president of the Independent Women’s Forum, praised the Pentagon leadership for the decision to create a new charter for the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS), as reported in today’s Washington Times.
“It is important to put military readiness before social engineering,” says Pfotenhauer. “Military women like military men want to serve in a force that is unparalleled in training and effectiveness a fighting corps that can do what is required of it. The Independent Women’s Forum recognizes the vital role that women play and have long played in our military efforts.”
The IWF has long been critical of DACOWITS, asserting that its agenda which promotes sex-based quotas, women in combat roles, and sex-integrated basic training weakens the basic purpose of the military: to fight and win wars.
In the recently released Winter issue of The Women’s Quarterly, a journal published by IWF, an article written by National Advisory Board member, Charmaine Yoest, calls for the ‘dishonorable discharge’ of DACOWITS. Putting the focus on combat readiness is a victory for common sense, adds Yoest, and we believe that by putting the defense of freedom and the protection of lives first, the Pentagon leadership has demonstrated its true concern for women.