Madonna, that chameleon-like pop icon, has morphed from a like-a-virgin material girl into a Kabbalah-centered yoga nut. The aging singer’s most recent incarnation is “spiritual enthusiast,” and it seems she’s putting her money where her mouth is.
According to Vanessa Thorpe of the London Observer, “Madonna and her husband, film director Guy Ritchie, are to hand over a slice of their fortune to help buy a multi-million pound headquarters in the heart of the West End for the educational charity that promotes a modern, faddish version of the 4,000-year-old spiritual tradition [the Kabbalah].”
Considering that one of the supposed benefits of a Kabbalah-centered life is a slowing of the aging process, we can’t help but wonder if Mama Madonna is making some spiritual stab at halting the wrinkles forming on her face.
Spiritual Botox, anyone?