Last year, New York State educators were rightly embarrassed when a perceptive mother took them to task for ridiculous censorship over the literature used in high school Regents exams.
Now author Diane Ravitch has done a little investigation through the Wall Street Journal, and the results are shocking: all across America, children are subjects of extreme censorship solely for the purpose of being politically correct.
According to Ravitch: A freelance writer sent me the “bias guidelines” for a major publisher of texts and tests like other publishers, this one requires adherence to sex-based and ethnic balance. All lessons, test questions, and illustrations must reflect the following ratios: 50-50 male-female; 45% Caucasian; 25% African American; 22% Hispanic American; 5% Asian American; 5% American Indian and others; and 3% “persons with disabilities.” And as if this weren’t enough, the Word Police take it another step: non-offensive words such as “actress”, “landlord”, and “yacht” have been banned by many educational publishers.
This can only leave us with one conclusion: those educational bureaucrats have far too much of a political agenda and far too much time on their hands.