Brit InkReader A.F. writes:
“Great site! Though I disagree with a lot of the views expressed in your articles I always enjoy reading opposing views, especially if they are cogent and articulate because they make me think. I also share in your loathing of Maureen Dowd and other enemies of thought, I’d much rather listen to an intelligent opponent than a stupid person who thinks I’m her ally.”
Hmm, can’t say that I disagree with any of that. A.F. also recommends three terrific Brit websites:
On your links I’d also recommend you add the conservative columnist Melanie Phillips, one of the smartest neo-con writers in Britain. Peter Hitchens, brother of Christopher, way underated in my opinion. And Spiked-Online, which has a whole compendium of articles by very bright libertarian women, especially ones that debunk popular feminist views.
Regarding Kathy Shaidle’s troubles with America Online over her anti-Kwanzaa blog (see below, Dec. 24), fellow blogger Jackie writes:
“Re the Relapsed Catholic/AOL problem, I think that the reason AOL is rejecting the emails is because of the “bl0gsp0t” part of the URL (I’ve used zeros in place of the letter “o” to see if it sneaks through). If people have spammed AOL users with their bl0gsp0t URLs, and those AOL users have complained, that would have led to this problem. (I encountered a similar glitch when I tried to email Cathy Seipp’s daughter the URL of an online photo gallery service, Imagestati0n, which apparently has sent enough spam to AOL users to generate a large amount of complaints.).”
On the other hand, InkReader “Cindy” managed to sneak through the URL for Shaidle’s Kwanzaa poem to my AOL address (screen name: charfleur) successfully and without alteration–so now I’m confused. If any of you out there want to keep testing AOL for political-correctness censorship, give it another try. Just remember to add a second e-mail informing me that you’ve sent it.