It was only a matter of time before guys would want to have their very own version of The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler’s lugbrious play featuring women sitting on a stage chit-chatting about their private parts for two hours.
So now Major Owens, a Democratic congressman from Brooklyn who loves to write, is mounting his own genitalia-play, “The Viagra Monologues.” Unlike Ensler’s painfully politically correct melodrama of suppressed female sexuality and unrepressed male brutality, “The Viagra Monologues,” set for a reading March 29 at New York City’s New Professional Theater, plays sex for randiness and laughs. It features song lyrics such as “Monogamy’s for chumps” and makes references to Wilt Chamberlain, the basketball player who claimed to have slept with 20,000 women.
Predictably, the National Organization for Women is not amused. Rita Haley, president of the organization’s New York City chapter, told the New York Post’s Gertz Kuntzman:
“‘This guy has the right to have any kind of a play that he wants. What I do find offensive is that he is playing off the name of the “Vagina Monologues,” which has a lot to do with women’s freedom and sexuality, but also has a lot to do with sexual abuse, which really isn’t that funny. So the play on the name is not very funny at all, and in fact is offensive.’
“But, she added: ‘if they’re treating [women] in a degrading fashion then obviously we would object to the entire play and not just the title.'”