IWF National Advisory Board member Candace de Russy was recently profiled by the Associated Press.
Candace de Russy has railed against a State University of New York college’s sadomasochistic sex program to “60 Minutes.” She earned a televised pledge from conservative icon Bill O’Reilly to fight for her job as SUNY trustee, and won an appointment from President Bush to a board of the scandal-plagued U.S. Air Force Academy.
Her quill has skewered multiculturalism, radical feminism, some black studies programs, anti-Americanism on campuses nationwide, and exposed human rights abuses in Soviet gulags and Cuba.
As a member of SUNY’s unpaid, 16-member Board of Trustees, she’s led often-solo fights against tuition increases as an assault on New York’s working class, assailed weak professors and grade inflation and fought for public disclosure of board deliberations. She is the state’s link to a nationwide “academic bill of rights,” the movement on colleges to end a perceived practice of not hiring conservatives and otherwise stifling conservative and religious debate.
At stake in her conservative crusade against the liberal bastion of academia, she says, is nothing less than the future.
“It is necessary to preserve our civilization. I do not see it as optional,” said de Russy, 60, from the upscale New York City suburb of Bronxville. “This country is now in a civil cultural war and the radical, secular, ‘progressive’ left may well destroy our traditional principles and institutions, and notably our education institutions, which is seminal to the rest of the institutions…”
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