Links to articles, commentary, and other resources memorializing one of America’s greatest leaders.

News & Commentary
President Bush’s Eulogy at the National Cathedral
When the sun sets tonight off the coast of California and we lay to rest our 40th president, a great American story will close.

Margaret Thatcher’s Eulogy
In his lifetime Ronald Reagan was such a cheerful and invigorating presence that it was easy to forget what daunting historic tasks he set himself. He sought to mend America’s wounded spirit, to restore the strength of the free world, and to free the slaves of communism. These were causes hard to accomplish and heavy with risk.

President Bush’s Remarks
He always told us that for America, the best was yet to come. We comfort ourselves in the knowledge that this is true for him, too. His work is done, and now a shining city awaits him.

The Man Who Brought Down ‘That Wall’ Paul Weyrich
I came to think of Ronald Reagan as the great man he was by talking with those he helped to liberate. Someone finally had the courage to face down the Soviet Union. Soon after we began our efforts in the Soviet empire, the Berlin wall came down.

The Question of Good and Evil Charles Colson
When I was in the Soviet Union in 1990, I met with groups of dissidents, mostly Christians who had been underground. We could see then that the Soviet Union was crumbling, and I asked everyone I met the same question: “What is causing the demise of the Soviet Union?” Every dissident gave me the same one-word answer: “Reagan.”

An Optimist’s Legacy George Will
One measure of a leader’s greatness is this: By the time he dies the dangers that summoned him to greatness have been so thoroughly defeated, in no small measure by what he did, that it is difficult to recall the magnitude of those dangers, or of his achievements. So if you seek Ronald Reagan’s monument, look around, and consider what you do not see.

Reagan’s Greatness Bill Kristol
Reagan was the most consequential president since Franklin Roosevelt, the most successful Republican leader since Theodore Roosevelt, and the first true conservative to reach the apex of American politics since Coolidge.

How to Honor the Man from Tampico Brad and Dan Lips
As Reagan entered the White House, communism was on the march throughout the world and America was mired in economic turmoil and a crisis of confidence. By the end of his administration, the Soviet empire was crumbling, the U.S. economy was riding an unprecedented boom, and America’s reputation throughout the world glowed brightly as a beacon of freedom.
Also by Brad and Dan Lips: Reagan Tribute at the Lips Brothers’ Blog, Reagan Quotes in the “Rocky” Theme

‘God’s Plan’ Guided Reagan’s Life Washington Times
Though he was criticized during his presidency for not attending church services regularly, Mr. Reagan’s unfailing faith in God– and what he knew in his soul was God’s plan for him– never wavered, and gave him strength to the end.

15 Years Later, the Remaking of?a President Howard Kurtz
Most reporters liked the Gipper personally — it was hard not to — but often depicted him as detached, out of touch, a stubborn ideologue.

A Man for All Time James Robbins
President Reagan’s approach to foreign policy was based on his fundamental moral clarity, and courage to follow through on it. He saw the truth, and acted.

Reagan’s Humor Touched America’s Soul Doug Gamble
Perhaps more than any other president, Ronald Reagan understood the importance of humor in advancing his agenda, taking on opponents and connecting with the American people.

How They Misjudged the Reagan I Knew Richard Perle
What made Reagan different from his predecessors was his contrarian optimism about Communist tyranny. To the consternation of conventionally-wise foreign ministries around the world, Reagan saw and proclaimed that the “evil empire” was headed for the “ash heap of history.”

The Epitome of Greatness Peggy Venable
The Reagan legacy will be one of democracy prevailing over communism; of turning around the economy; of character and trust; of faith and of optimism for the future. He knew freedom leads to prosperity.

Forever Grateful Oliver North
Throughout the five years that I was blessed to serve in his administration, he impressed me — and everyone around him — as a man of extraordinary vision, great compassion and resolute leadership.

Thanks from a Grateful Country Peggy Noonan
He changed history for the better and was modest about it. He didn’t bray about his accomplishments but saw them as the work of the American people.

Reagan Speeches
Address to Parliament – “Ash Heap of History” Speech, 1982
“Evil Empire” Speech – National Association of Evangelicals, 1983
Remarks at the Brandenberg Gate, 1987 – “Tear Down this Wall”
Farewell Address to the Nation, 1989

Reagan Biography and Tribute
Heritage Foundation Reagan Tribute
Reagan Library