“What do Nancy Reagan and the Stepford Wives have in common?” asks Dr. Laura
Her reply: Nothing.
Mrs. Reagan’s “adoring gaze” drove them nuts when she was First Lady, but Dr. Laura explains that Mrs. Reagan took a course that made her happy and fulfilled.
And, oh, yes, men don’t really want Stepford Wives–that’s an old feminist tale.
But don’t miss Dr. Laura on Mrs. Reagan:
“Nancy Reagan did not have to lose her humanity, will or unique qualities to take care of her man. She appears to have recognized early on the remarkable potential of her husband to be an important force in America and the world.
“She realized that his important contributions would be ’their’ important contributions as she evolved into his wife, lover, adviser and best friend.
“Nancy Reagan ran counter to the feminist mantra that a woman is only perfected when she is not hampered by the oppressive obligations of a husband and child-rearing. Marriages are less stable when the husband and wife are competing rather than cooperating, when no one is creating a nest or nurturing the spiritual aspects of a family.”