“Is Tom Brokaw ready for the dog-track?” Lucianne asks this morning.

She’s referring to the NBC interview with the new Iraqi president in which Brokaw came across as out of touch. He was especially miffed by Allawi’s annoying insistance there was too a Saddam-al Qaeda connection.

“Brokaw: I know that you and others like you are grateful for the liberation of Iraq. But can’t you understand why many Americans feel that so many young men and women have died here for purposes other than protecting the United States?

Allawi: We know that this is an extension to what has happened in New York. And — the war have been taken out to Iraq by the same terrorists. Saddam was a potential friend and partner and natural ally of terrorism.”

Brokaw wouldn’t take this for an answer, and Mr. Allawi, who obviously has some knowledge of the situation on the ground, refused to change his mind.

Brokaw kept trying to make him see the light…doggedly.

Read the whole interview. Then order your “Don’t believe the liberal media” T-shirt. Inkwell intends to risk her life and limb by wearing her T-shirt in her trendy, left-wing Adams Morgan ’hood in Northwest Washington.