Sometimes there’s a news report so awful that I’m determined to blog on it, even if I don’t quite know what to say. 

One such item, which I came across shortly after blogging yesterday on the rise of the female terrorist, featured on the web site of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), reports that there is now a new online magazine for potential female jihadists.  

In a really horrific editorial the jihadist magazine speaks of how the “blood of our husbands and the body parts of our children are the sacrifice by means of which we draw closer to Allah.”

Here’s MEMRI’s description of the magazine:

“Al-Khansaa is published by Al Qa’ida’s Arabian Peninsula Women’s Information Bureau. The first issue features articles calling on women to participate in Jihad, along with an article criticizing women in Saudi television.”

And here’s a longer section of the chilling quote I cited above from an editorial headlined “God Is Our Goal”:

“We will stand covered by our veils and wrapped in our robes, weapons in hand, our children in our laps, with the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet of Allah directing and guiding us. The blood of our husbands and the body parts of our children are the sacrifice by means of which we draw closer to Allah, so that through us, Allah will cause the Shahada for His sake to succeed.”

As I said, I don’t know quite what to say, except that in light of the female terrorists at Beslan, I fear we are in for some horrors that are beyond the imagining of civilized people–for now.