Contact: Louise Filkins
Phone: 202-419-1820

WASHINGTON, DC –The Independent Women’s Forum applauds the health-care proposals announced yesterday by President Bush that would leave health care decisions to individuals, not the federal government. Much of the President’s plan centers on expanding health savings accounts and common sense reform to our medical liability system.

“IWF has long been a proponent of health savings accounts,” said Carrie Lukas, director of policy of the Independent Women’s Forum. “These accounts allow individuals to save for their medical expenses tax-free. Health savings accounts expand healthcare options and help individuals afford coverage that makes sense for their unique needs. This is particularly important for women who are more likely to take time out of the workforce and, therefore, are less like to have employer-provided healthcare coverage.”

Another key part of the President’s proposal is medical liability reform. Experts say frivolous lawsuits brought by trial attorneys add about $100 billion a year to the cost of health care. Sensible medical liability reform is desperately needed to curtail rising health care costs and to keep good doctors from retiring.

“Senator Kerry has voted against medical liability reform 10 times. You can’t claim to be pro-doctor and pro-patient if you are focused on defending a system that lines trial lawyers’ pockets,” Lukas quipped.

Click here to read IWF’s report on “Making the Health Care System Work for Women.”