Did your invitation to Maureen Dowd’s bash for her book bashing Bush also get lost in the mail?
Are you desperate to hang out with the A-list hacks?
Dying to knock back canapes with Adam Clymer?
An Inkwell reader, who read blogger Amy Welborn’s account of the party (gleaned from C-Span) posted here, writes:
“Just caught your post on Maureen Dowd’s soiree and thought it was a stitch… And wished I had been invited…And had two too many…And hung out with her brother…,” writes F.X.M.
Rather than cursing the darkness, F.X.M. found a way to attend the party: “For your voyeur readers or plain old masochists,’ he writes, “I have found a link to the streaming video of the broadcast. I advise gin & tonic before and during viewing…”