Our congratulations to Condoleezza Rice, just appointed secretary of state by President G.W. Bush. Already the most powerful woman in America as Bush’s national security adviser, the former Stanford University professor (and that’s my alma mater!) now promises to be even more powerful..
Of course we can’t wait to see what our leftist-cartoonist friend Ted Rall makes of this new development. A few months ago, Rall used the N-word with reference to Condi in one of his strips. As “Molotov” of Booker Rising, a website for black moderates and conservatives, commented:
“Why is a white guy calling anyone a ‘house n—-? We’ll see black ‘leaders’ raise hell about this cartoon, right? Oh wait, Condi is a ‘sellout,’ so she is beyond defense. Ted is liberal, so his whiteness gets a pass here.”
And no, no liberals of any skin color ever did came to Condi’s defense. So I’m sure that what with her new appointment, we’ll be hearing even more choice racial slurs about her from Rall.