Leave it to New York Times resident airhead Maureen Dowd: She goes to see Spanglish, the movie about the guy who falls in love with the Mexican maid, and spots a trend:
“Women in staff support are the new sirens.”
Well, yes–if the maid happens to be Paz Vega, competing with the wife who happens to be a bitch.
And naturally, Dowd, who happens to be a wee bit unmarried herself at an advanced age for that sort of thing, decides that this is a Very Bad Development, proving one more time that men just can’t stand uppity, well-educated career women. She writes:
“So was the feminist movement some sort of cruel hoax? The more women achieve, the less desirable they are? Women want to be in a relationship with guys they can seriously talk to – unfortunately, a lot of those guys want to be in relationships with women they don’t have to talk to.”
Maybe it’s because a lot of those those women tend to talk like Maureen Dowd. If I were a guy, I’d be heading for the Spanish maid myself if the alternative was a steady stream of feminista burble and incessant complaints that “smart men with demanding jobs would rather have old-fashioned wives, like their mums, than equals.”
Furthermore, I don’t think our Ms. Dowd quite gets the point of “Spanglish,” which I’m told is drawing an audience that is 55 percent female. Hasn’t it occurred to MoDo that women tend to identify with spunky underdog heroines who get the dream guy–like Paz Vega’s character, or Melanie Griffith’s in the huge hit “Working Girl,” or Bridget Jones, for that matter? Isn’t our supposedly politically correct Maureen indulging in a bit of classism here–assuming that “women in staff support” are brainless bimbos?