Inkwell is inaugurating a new feature today: The Hillary in Red Watch.
We’re asking alert readers to send us examples of Hillary Clinton doing things to show red state voters that she’s jes’ like us.
The New York Times has captured a beaut of a Hillary in Red moment. Mrs. Clinton is speaking at an abortion rally:
“But then she quickly shifted gears, offering warm words to opponents of abortion — particularly members of religious groups — asserting that there was ’common ground’ to be found after three decades of emotional and political warfare over abortion.”
Even the Times gets it:
“Mrs. Clinton is widely seen as a possible candidate for the party’s presidential nomination in 2008, and her remarks signaled that she could be recalibrating her strong identification with the abortion-rights movement as the Democratic Party engages in its own re-examination of its handling of the issue in the wake of Senator John Kerry’s loss in the 2004 presidential race.”
Hillary in Red moments can be sent to Inkwell by clicking on our Letters button.