Inkwell wants to take this opportunity to remind you that this evening is the IWF’s “Can Larry Summers Say That?” panel featuring such provocative speakers as columnist Linda Chavez, Dr. Paul McHugh, a leading figure in American psychiatry–and tonight’s Y-chromosomer on the panel–Lisa Schiffren, a cofounder of Softer Voices and a former Dan Quayle speechwriter, and the Washington Times’ star columnist Diana West.  

IWF President and CEO Nancy Pfotenhauer will moderate what is sure to be a stimulating evening. We hope as many of you as possible will join us at IWF HQ (1726 M Street, NW) for tonight’s discussion.

To set the stage, here’s a terrific piece by US News columnist John Leo, who ponders what would have happened if Larry Summers had a spine:

“Summers is bold enough to speak unfashionable truths now and then, but, alas, he is not inclined to stick to his guns very long. When the opposition howled, he buckled quickly and issued regrets and apologies. But suppose Summers had been the owner of a sturdier spine. He might have made a serious contribution. He could have said something like this…”
Yes, read Leo–and then join us for one of our scintillating IWF conversations. I’ll save you a chair.