Former Clinton insider Sandy Berger has now remembered that, yes, as a matter of fact, he did pilfer stuff from the National Archives. With the admission, Mr. Berger officially joins “the pantheon of those who, in the immortal words of Webb Hubbell, have chosen to ’roll over one more time’ to protect Bill and Hillary Clinton.”
Leave it to Wes Pruden of the Washington Times to pen the most hilarious account of Sandy Burglar’s adventures in the document room:
“He paused briefly at the Constitution, secure under glass, lock and key, before deciding that he was wearing pants too small to accommodate anything really big. He went home ’tired and unfocused.'”
But it’s important not to forget what Berger was doing in the Archives. As the New York Post notes:
“Berger had told the 9/11 Commission that the review [of an after-action review by anti-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke of al Qaeda’s thwarted attempt to attack America during the turn of the millennium in 1999] prompted a strong White House response by the Clinton team. But President Bush’s first attorney general, John Ashcroft, testified that he’d read the memo, and it indicated that no action was taken by the Clintonites.
“That Berger, in other words, lied about the Clinton administration’s contempt for national security. (One of his CIA directors, John Deutsch, recall, stored 17,000 pages of top-secret documents and wrote classified memos on a home computer that was also used to surf Internet porn sites.)
“Who was right? Well, it wasn’t John Ashcroft who stuffed the secret documents down his pants — then claimed he had ’accidentally discarded’ them.”