Thanks to The Anchoress, we’re now alert to The Cotillion, a must-bookmark blog-ring run by and for smart conservative women. Each week the Cotillion’s hostesses change; this week it’s the quartet of Small Dead Animals, Maxed-Out Mama, Darleen’s Place, and Baldilocks.
We love developments like The Cotillion and the galaxy of winger-female blogs that service it, because they refute the feminista canard that the phrase “conservative women” is an oxymoron. We regularly receive hate e-mails from lefties here at InkWell (sometimes we post ’em, sometimes we ‘t) that accuse The Other Charlotte and me of actually being men, sometimes “fat, bald men” (as one writer put it), sometimes men with undersize genitals (why not oversize genitals? Who knows?). So it’s a delight to know that we?re not alone–and may our tribe of troglodyte blogstresses increase!
Baldilocks’s post this morning (with moving photo), on today’s safe landing of the Discovery space shuttle at Edwards Air Force Base in California is especially lovely:
“I woke up just time to hear ‘5000 feet, 3000 feet, 1000 feet…’ and see Discovery’s silhouette touching down.
“Likely, everyone in America is breathing just a little bit easier.
“Welcome home, Discovery crew.”
Yes, welcome home from the Charlottes of InkWell, too.