The grrls at Pandagon and Feministing can’t think of enough vile things to say about West Coast writer Elizabeth Sandoval, who had the affrontery to declare in an op-ed article in USA Today that she plans to abstain from sex until marriage–on the ground that casual sex isn’t very fulfilling and doesn’t win you much respect from men. (See “How to Make a Rad-Fem Really Mad: Urge Abstinence,” Aug. 23.) Nothing riles up a grrl more than a shot across the bow at the all-important Sexual Revolution–so our friends at the rad-fem establishment have been leveling even more four-letter words per sentence than their usual norm at Sandoval.

Fortunately, Sandoval has a fan in Inky reader L.M.:

“It me think of what someone wrote 5,000 years ago about protecting your greatest desires from your casual wishes. I’m no expert, but most of the women I know of who give it up freely complain that they can’t find a man to have a long term relationship with. Those who have the long-term relationship had to go through a number of men in this way to find him. In most cases, I think, sex may not be the end of the relationship, but it is the end of the courtship.”

Ah yes–but the grrls of the Sexual Revolution prefer to blame the breakups on evil chauvinist men.