So many liberal commentators have said that Katrina revealed the scandal of poverty in America — well, sort of, but what causes poverty?
“Among the pictures from New Orleans were lots of heart-rending shots of displaced mothers and children, but few of fathers and husbands,” writes Detroit News columnist Thomas Bray. “Liberal critics say Hurricane Katrina ripped aside the veil on America’s extreme poverty. What it really ripped aside was the veil over the collapse of family, particularly among inner-city blacks, that lies at the heart of poverty.”
Four decades ago, at a time when minorities were making great economic strides, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan spotted the trend of fatherlessness in black families and predicted that this would eventually have dire repercussions. His predictions have come true, but now we have a chance to change things.
Changes won’t be made without obstruction from the liberals who claim to care most about the poor:
“Bush may think he can do things differently this time,” notes Bray, “by using vouchers, enterprise zones and so on. But there will be strong pressure to resurrect the Great Society’s dependency-creating techniques, ignoring Moynihan’s cautionary words about the importance of culture.
“It’s important for society to get the answers right. Unwed motherhood among whites is now as high as it was among blacks when Moynihan penned his initial his report.”
Just for the record: Not all Democrats are playing obstructionist when it comes to rebuilding of New Orleans. Tony Blankley has kudos for one who’s not:
“In lonely and noble exception to such attitudes stands the article by Donna Brazile (a leading Democratic Party partisan and campaign manager of Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign), who thanked the president for his unprecedented support of New Orleans and the gulf region and offered to work with him to make it a great success.”