Just a reminder to make sure Inkwell readers know that the IWF will sponsor a talk by Ben Shapiro, author of “The Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism is Corrupting Our Future” this evening at our M Street headquarters (see homepage for details).

The 21-year-old Shapiro, a Harvard grad student, thinks that pornography has seeped deeply into our culture. Here are some observations from a review of the book: 

“Shapiro observes that if children infected with venereal disease from oral sodomy ‘at age 12’ are not seen as ‘a broken nation,’ we ‘aren’t looking hard enough.’ The baby boomers and ‘grown-up flower children’ became the mass media and education authorities who have corrupted society, writes Shapiro.

“Of course, I find this young man especially wise in his awareness of the role of Alfred Kinsey in normalizing the porn generation.  Describing Kinsey’s impact he says, ‘Kinsey claimed that Americans were secret perverts and sex maniacs.’ By lying about our parents and grandparents, Kinsey invalidated morality as a ‘social ideal.’ Then, using the old bait and switch trick, says Shapiro, Kinsey pulls out the tattered ‘hypocrisy’ charge.

“‘The only way to alleviate guilt became abdication of moral sexual standards,’ he says.  ‘And when the chief goal is erasing guilt, even for immoral actions, all that remains is narcissism.’

“Shapiro argues, with strong support, that discarding traditional morality gave our children over to social liberals, who control our culture through music, film, television and other mass media so that the normal is now considered deviant.  He says the effects upon his generation are ‘disastrous.'”