On Friday I confessed that I’ve religiously seen every Harry Potter movie (including the brand-new “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” but I have yet to read a single word by Potter creatrix J.K. Rowling (see “There’s Something About Harry,” Dec. 2). So readers are e-mailing: Rise off your derriere and read those books!
Here’s the aptly named Bookworm:
“The Harry Potter movies are great–but the books are even better.
“I’ve long suspected (without having any actual information) that Rowling is probably pretty consistent with her class and country, which means slightly to the left, with the attendant moral relativism. However, real art is honest, and her books speak loud and clear about good and evil, and the necessity for good to take on a just war against evil.
“Nothing new here: Every generation has its great fantasy writers (Tolkein, C.S. Lewis) who convey this message to a new generation of children. Since the books are so much more nuanced and interesting than the already good movies, you should do yourself a holiday favor and bring them home.”
And here’s D.H.:
“One of the reasons Rowling’s books are so popular is that they are so rereadable. The story may origianlly hook you but the writing keeps you coming back again to spend more time with these very real characters in an unreal world. I will forever sing J.K. Rowling’s praises. Her humorous, scary and thought-provoking books convinced my daughter to read for pleasure–and she hasn’t stopped since.”
Well, gosh, I do know many an adult (not to mention many a child) who finds the books riveting. And the earlier ones at least are undoubtedly out in paper. I’d better start reading–if I can find a free minute in my always rushed and always tardy holiday preparations.