Here’s the news from Israel (thanks to Mere Rhetoric, and thanks in turn to the Anchoress, who’se keeping a running link-list):

“Palestinian gunmen fired in the air in the streets of the West Bank town of Nablus Thursday, to express joy over the deterioration in Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s condition.”

Great–they’re dancing in the streets again. The last time was on Sept. 11, when the deaths of 3,000 Americans were a cause for much Palestinian glee. Now it’s a stroke that could be mortal suffered by the man who gave them a country.

And here’s more of that unique brand of Palestinian gratitude: Al Fatah tried to kidnap the Gaza-dwelling parents of “martyr” Rachel Corrie (thanks to a report from Ed Morrissey of Captain’s Quarters:

“After having their daughter give her life in a misguided attempt to assist Palestinians in keeping their weapon-transit tunnels open, Rachel Corrie’s parents might have labored under a perception that the Palestinians might have some gratitude for their sacrifice … or at least prove themselves worthy of her death on their behalf. Instead, to show just how civilized they can act when they have their own territory, members of the ruling Fatah faction tried to kidnap the Corries as they also blew up part of the Gaza-Sinai border, killing two guards.”

I love it–they did call off the assault on the Corries after someone explained to them that their late daughter was actually a poster child of the Fatah-loving left. But what’s with these guys? In their euphoria over Sharon’s grave medical condition, the Palestinians have launched a concerted attack on, uh, Egypt! Ed writes concerning the report of the incident in The Scotsman:

“It now looks like Ariel Sharon may have struck the most devastating blow against Palestinian statehood by allowing them to have Gaza all to themselves. Sharon, who may be dying at this very moment, gave the world a fishbowl for the Palestinians to demonstrate the endgame of their nihilism. They have now made a ruin of Gaza, attacked Egypt, kidnapped the parents of one of their own folk heroes, and turned the territory into a gangland instead of a state. Egypt has yet to respond to the murder of its guards, but one doubts that Cairo will react with brotherly love to a government that it insisted be given this golden opportunity to prove it could run Gaza as a state.

“Even the [Palestinian Authority] now admits that the statehood project has been a catastrophe and that its failure has little to do with Israel, according to The Scotsman. The Palestinian people have used democracy to repeatedly validate a mandate for war. The political factions involved in the territories have refused to disarm. The Palestinian Authority, an oxymoron if ever there was one, has proven itself impotent without the old terrorist Yasser Arafat at its head. The lack of law and order has reduced the entire area to little more than a free-fire zone and terrorist’s delight — and the only authority that could possibly control the violence has no more incentive to intervene, thanks to decades of scolding for providing that service without any recognition of its necessity.

“If Sharon passes away tonight, he can go with a satisfaction of forcing the Palestinians themselves to prove themselves unworthy of the world’s concern.”

And here’s more on the gratitude front. Those “disadvantaged youths” who launched that car-burning free-for-all in France a month ago don’t seem to think all those French government promises of social programs and affirmative action were enough. Here’s a Washington Times report on what happened last weekend (hat tip: Little Green Footballs):

“A gang of more than 20 youths – thought to be North African immigrants – terrorized hundreds of train passengers in a rampage of violence, robbery and sexual assault on New Year’s Day, French officials said yesterday….

“The gang of between 20 and 30 youths boarded the train, heading from Nice on the French Riviera to Lyon, in eastern France, early on Jan. 1, as it carried 600 passengers home from New Year’s Eve partying overnight.

“Once inside, they went wild, forcing passengers to hand over mobile phones and wallets, and slashing seats and breaking windows. A 20-year-old woman cornered by several of the marauders was sexually molested.”

The most telling aspect of this story is what happened after the police managed to board the train:

“The train resumed its journey with the heavy police presence on board but, just before Marseille, the youths pulled the emergency stop and many escaped.

“Only three – two 19-year-old Moroccans and a minor, all living in France – were arrested.”

Sounds like Inspector Clouseau came to the rescue again.