Most school systems allow students to opt out of otherwise mandatory sex-education classes, although they do their best to humiliate kids and their parents who don’t want classroom time spent teaching youngsters how to put a condom onto a cucumber. But a new AIDS-ed program in New York City allows opt-outs only if the parents teach the children the same material at home. And here’s the hitch: the New York school system plans to start telling the kids about AIDS and the HIV virus starting in kindergarten (hat tip: Wendy McElroy’s ifeminists website).
You’d rather your 5-year-old didn’t know about such things? You think that age 5, or even age 10, is bit young to start having sex and using intravenous drugs? Tough tomatoes to you, say the New York schools.
Here’s the report from WorldNet Daily:
“New York’s education department insists the lessons are age-appropriate, but many parents who have looked at some of the material disagree, reports WCBS-TV in New York City.
“Queens fifth grader Charles Comaianni had never heard of AIDS but got a lesson yesterday ‘about the immune system and what happens when your immune system is down.’
“By the end of this week, WCBS said, the 10-year-old will learn the disease is spread by unprotected sex or by sharing needles.
“He also will learn about homosexuality and HIV prevention methods – including a condom demonstration – things his father Nick Comaianni says he doesn’t want his son to know about yet.”
And the only way you can get out of this in New York is to buy a cucumber and do your own demonstration at home.