As I’ve said earlier, I’m vastly sympathetic with the immigrants fleeing the kleptocracy that is Mexico to come here, work hard, and earn U.S. citizenship.But I have zero sympathy for the La Raza whiners who fly the Mesican flag at pro-immigration rallies and shout things on the order of, “You stole our country!” No, sorry, we didn’t steal your country. You lost a war, back in 1848. Next time, fight better.

It’s gotten so bad that schools all over the country are now forbidding students to wear American flag-colored red-white-and-blue clothing, and even, at one school, camouflage that declares a pro-military stance. We can’t have our students supporting our troops. And a judge was forced to recuse himself in a case for leading the courtroom in the Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory, after someone complained about the unseemly display of patriotism.

So now, Free Republic has declared today to be Take an American Flag to Work Day. “Kristinn” writes: 

“ll patriotic Americans who have been concerned (to put it mildly) about the predominance of flags of foreign nations at the recent pro-illegal alien marches and the desecration of the American flag by supporters of illegal aliens are being asked to participate in a demonstration of patriotism and American sovereignty by taking an American flag with them to work, school or anywhere this Thursday, April 6.

“How it works is simple: Proudly carry an American flag with you wherever you are in public. Small parade style flags on sticks would work best for those who commute by bus or subway and those who walk to work. Carry it around with you when you go out for lunch and when you leave work.

“Wear red, white and blue patriotic attire. Fly the American flag at your home. Fly an American flag from your car antenna. Tape an American flag in your car window. The goal is to have Old Glory be given the prominence it deserves and to remind everyone–politicians, illegal aliens and their enablers–that the American flag comes first in this country.”

Yes! Michelle Malkin has details and pix.