Check out this article by Network of enlightened Women founder Karin Agness in response to the National Women’s Studies Association conference.  The conference featured a panel about how to deal with conservative groups like NeW.  Karin’s invitation never arrived:

“I thought this panel had potential. There are already Women’s Centers around the country and making them more welcoming to conservative women would only make them better. And I just hoped that my invitation was lost in the mail.”

“To find out, I directly e-mailed Brenda Bethman, who is in charge of the Women’s Centers Committee pre-conference, and wrote: “It seems that the pre-conference really wants to have a serious discussion on this topic. I think it will be a more beneficial and honest discussion if someone representing NeW was there. Would you have any interest in bringing in a NeW member to join the panel?” (Going to a feminist convention is not exactly my ideal weekend, but I figured that this could lead to some constructive dialogue and improvement of Women’s Centers around the country.)

“My invitation was not lost in the mail. It was never sent.”

Read more.