I want to praise the June 2006 issue of Seventeen. I really do. They had an accurate and honest forum about hooking up, highlighting two things that people tend to overlook: 1) 82% of the readers polled who hook up would prefer a long-term relationship and 2) they presented a variety of statistics about the risks of casual sex. The note from the editor said: “So many of you [meaning readers] tell me you’ve regretted many of your hookups. That’s why I wanted to do this section — to create a forum where you can all talk about the topic and share info.” Kudos to you, Miss Seventeen editor.
But then they had to go and recommend I see Al Gore’s movie. Sigh. But it wasn’t a total loss — I found out my “MTV Soul Sister” is Lindsay Lohan and slate is the best color for my skin tone. So, I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.