This is a scary piece by pollster Frank Luntz on the four things Hillary has to do to be elected president. Luntz admits that writing a column advising Hillary is like Jack Kevorkian hosting a reception for the AARP. But who am I to turn down a request to take part in a fascinating political exercise?…
First, she must be herself. Her recent tack to the right – from equivocating on the Iraq war, to supporting a ban on flag burning – is fooling no one and is seriously agitating her liberal base. The reason Hillary became so popular in the first place was her unflinching willingness to tell it like it is. She must say what she means, and mean what she says.
Similarly, recent efforts by Clinton to inject religious references into her speeches to prove she’s a person of faith is like fingernails on a chalkboard to Democrat primary voters. Clinton must win the primary first – then worry about the general election. If Democrats really cared about religion, they’d be Republicans.
Well, read the whole thing. For what it’s worth, I think the left will cut Hillary lots of slack. They know that in her heart she is one of them and will gladly forgive any tack to the right in order to get one of their own into the White House.