Whether it’s Catholic bishops or House leaders (of both parties-surely any rumors about creepy Congressman Foley were a bipartisan phenomena), I’ve never understood why they don’t just call the cops. Let the gendarmes sort it out. (Of course, there are jurisdictional problems on the Hill.) But, still, as Michelle Malkin points out, the depravity must have been hard not to see:
“It is also impossible to ignore the appearance of calculated grooming by Foley of potential young targets. In a June 6, 2002, farewell speech to pages, Foley effused about his teen pals – even bragging about taking one male page out on a dinner date at Morton’s steakhouse after the boy made a winning bid to have a meal with him. Given my own experience in Washington as a young college intern, when I was approached by a congressman to live alone with him for a winter term, I am sure there are many, many more such stories to be told.”