“The Iraq Study Group has not just been attacked by left and right, Democrat and Republican. It has invited ridicule,” Charles Krauthammer writes today, heaping some more on the pile. But it may have given Bush a second chance to get it right in Iraq:
“As a result of the Iraq Study Group, President Bush has been given one last chance to alter course on Iraq. This did not, however, come about the way James Baker intended. It came about because the long-anticipated report turned out to be such a widely agreed-upon farce. From its wildly hyped, multiple magazine-cover rollout (Annie Leibovitz in Men’s Vogue, no less) to its mishmash of 79 (no less) recommendations, the report has fallen so flat that the field is now clear for the president to recommend to a war-weary country something new and bold.”
The real report on Iraq is “Choosing Victory,” released yesterday at the American Enterprise Institute. I posted on it yesterday.