and available here

The interviews with the protesters get more amusing as you go along, culminating in the lady with a skull and $ protest sign who told me “women had it better in Iraq before Saddam Hussein.”  Maybe she liked the fact that under Saddam chemical weapons were used against women and children, massive rape and torture of women and children happened, honor killings increased, and the literacy rate of women was a meager 23%.  Or maybe she just hasn’t read IWF’s report Women’s Participation in the Democratic Process in Iraq and Afghanistan: Achievements and Challenges.

The protest was in response to an event at the American Enterprise Institute featuring Senators McCain and Joe Lieberman.  Here is a description of the event:

“U.S. senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) and U.S. senator Joseph Lieberman (I-D-Conn.) recently returned from a fact-finding mission to Iraq. Both held extensive discussions with U.S. forces and Iraqi government officials. In light of a possible change in course for U.S. strategy in Iraq, their views will be critical in the upcoming Congressional debate.

“At this important time, AEI resident scholar Frederick W. Kagan and former acting Army chief of staff General Jack Keane will release the updated and final version of phase one of ‘Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq.’ The study calls for a large and sustained surge of U.S. forces to secure and protect critical areas of Baghdad. Mr. Kagan directed the report in consultation with military and regional experts, including General Keane, former Afghanistan coalition commander Lieutenant General David Barno, and other officers involved with the successful operations of the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment in Tal Afar. An interim version of the report was released on December 14, 2006.

“At this event, Mr. Kagan and General Keane will present their final report, which outlines how the United States can win in Iraq and why victory is the only acceptable outcome.”