The inhabitants of US newsrooms provide an inordinate amount of coverage to groups such as the National Organization of Women (NOW) and Emily’s List, a group that financially supports pro-abortion, liberal Democrats.
However, our visitor from another planet would be surprised to discover there are many groups out there that represent conservative women who believe in equality but shun socialism and big government. One of those organizations is the Independent Women’s Forum.
Unlike NOW and Emily’s list, whose leadership’s primary concern is keeping the killing of unborn babies legal, the IWF is interested in many issues facing all Americans.
For example, when Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan?s ruthless dictator, had been awarded a medal by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for “strengthening friendship and cooperation between nations, development of cultural and religious dialogue, and supporting cultural diversity,” the Independent Women’s Forum alerted all who would listen to this travesty.
This award went to the same man who brutally slaughtered several hundred unarmed Uzbeks in Andijon in 2005. Certainly UNESCO must have been aware of undeniable totalitarian nature of Karimov’s regime best known for torture and suppression of any political or civil dissent. But perhaps, given the recipients of prizes in the past, UNESCO simply doesn’t care.
The IWF pointed out that on February 3, 2006, UNESCO awarded its 2005 José Marté International Prize to Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. Just as the United Nations newly “reformed” Human Rights Council still allows egregious human rights violators to sit in judgment of other nations, UNESCO is following other United Nations’ branches that are failing to live up to the ideals and mission upon which it is founded.
According to Yasmine Rassam, vice president, foreign policy and international women’s issues, “All branches of the United Nations must reform and stand for the very principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights–the founding document of the United Nations. Otherwise, the United Nations’ moral authority regarding human rights is completely undermined by its deference to dictators and egregious violators of human rights.”
The Independent Women’s Forum is a non-partisan, non-profit organization. Founded in 1992, IWF’s stated mission is to rebuild civil society by advancing economic liberty, personal responsibility, and political freedom.
IWF officials say the group fosters greater respect for limited government, equality under the law, property rights, free markets, strong families, and a powerful and effective national defense and foreign policy.
IWF is home to the next wave of the nation?s most influential scholars — women who are committed to promoting and defending economic opportunity and political freedom.
For more information on the Independent Women’s Forum, visit:
Nathan Tabor is the Founder and CEO of and After just eighteen months, TheConservativeVoice.comThe Conservative Voice has over 100 columnists and features up-to-the-minute news. He is heard daily on over 250 stations nationally with gets over 250,000 unique visitors a month, 1.7 million page views and has over 150,000 email subscribers.
At 29, Nathan ran for Congress (NC5) in an eight way primary. He raised over $750,000 and received over 7,500 votes in the most expensive primary in American history. Nathan’s supporters included Dick Armey, Ed Meese, Steve Moore, Art Laffer, Pat Robertson, Bob Jones III, Congressmen Robert Aderholt, Congressmen Trent Franks, Congressmen Jim Ryun, Beverly and Tim LaHaye, Mike Farris and many others. Dr. Jerry Falwell dubbed him the “young Jesse Helms.”
Nathan received his BA in psychology from St. Andrews Presbyterian College and his MA in public policy from Regent University.
Nathan is married to Jordan and they have a baby girl, Abigail.