Vagina Monologue fans aren’t the only folks who don’t think Cupid should be freed for Valentine’s Day. Michelle Malkin had this non-valentine from the Daily India:
“Muslim women activists along with men raided hotels and restaurants in Srinagar and burnt Valentine’s Day cards to protest against what they said blasphemous celebration.
“Asiya Andrabi, chief of the Dukhtaran-e-Millat, lashed out at people celebrating the day, saying it was against the Islamic culture.
“‘We have called this day as a ‘Say No to Valentine Day’ because this western culture goes against the Islamic ethos and it also de-shapes our moral character,” she said.
“In Indore, Shiv Sena activists warned those celebrating the day.
“‘We won’t let anyone celebrate Valentine’s Day. Those couples who we catch, their parents will be called to the very spot and those whose parent do not show up, then we will humiliate them and hand them to the police’? said Pandit Mahesh Sharma, a Shiv Sena activist.”
Michelle also links to Kathleen Parker’s “Will You Be My Vaga-tine?“
“But Valentine’s Day does matter because, no longer a holiday of hearts and flowers, it has become a feminist political vehicle in the gender wars. Think armada.”
“Not to be a spoilsport, but it’s not as though vaginas have only suddenly come to mankind’s attention. And the Big O, though universally regarded with awe, is not advanced physics.
“Nevertheless, Ensler has been able to recruit scores of self-regarding sophisticates and celebrities to join in her male-bashing fest, while all but the innocent nod and applaud as though these rants of dysfunction were paths to enlightenment.”