Dennis Prager says that there are eight lessons to be drawn from the Duke rape scandal. Here is the fourth:
Dennis Prager says that there are eight lessons to be drawn from the Duke rape scandal. Here is the fourth:
Dennis Prager says that there are eight lessons to be drawn from the Duke rape scandal. Here is the fourth:
Dennis Prager says that there are eight lessons to be drawn from the Duke rape scandal. Here is the fourth:
“[W]hile Duke University has good individuals, like most universities today, Duke is a moral wasteland. Eight-eight professors, abetted by Duke’s president, created a mob mentality against the young men not unlike that of a lynch mob. Of course, nothing will be done to Duke’s president or to those professors. To get fired as the president of an elite American university, one must suggest that men and women are innately different. Politically incorrect truth telling — not race-, gender- or class-baiting of whites, athletes or males — gets you fired. And Duke alumni will continue to fund Duke, just as Columbia University alumni are funding Columbia with record donations despite Columbia’s reluctance to discipline radical students who violently disrupted a conservative speaker on campus last year.”
Read the whole column.