A conference titled “Boys and the Boy Crisis” is coming to D.C. next month – July 13-14 at the Washington Court Hotel. Authors, professors, lawyers and health care professionals (including impressive speakers at the conference includes Christina Hoff Sommers and Warren Farrell) will examine the unique qualities and needs of boys and address such problems as:
“The signs are clear. Our boys are at risk. Boys are four times more likely to commit suicide, two times more likely to be diagnosed with learning disabilities, and five times more likely to be murder victims. More than half of African American boys who start high school do not graduate, 40% of the boys in the U.S. are living in homes without their biological fathers, and boys’ attendance at colleges is steadily decreasing.”
More info is available here.
IWF’s latest publication on the boy crisis (and how school choice helps solve the problem) is available here.