We hope you will join us for this upcoming IWF event: 

Speaker: Theodore Dalrymple, author of Our Culture, What’s Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses

Date: Thursday, November 8, 2007
Time: 5:30 PM ET
Location: Ethics and Public Policy Center

A wine-and-cheese reception will follow discussion. Register for this event now.

Throughout history, the United States has drawn on the rich cultural resources of England to build and sustain our own heritage. In an event co-sponsored by the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Independent Women’s Forum, British writer Theodore Dalrymple – author of Our Culture, What’s Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses – will plumb the depths of the social pathologies that plague England. Is English civilization on its deathbed? How can it be restored to vigor? And what would its death portend for the United States?

Theodore Dalrymple is the pen name of Anthony Daniels, a retired psychiatrist who has written widely about culture, art, politics, education, and medicine. A former prison doctor, he has witnessed the effects of drug use and other social pathologies at the lower rungs of society. His latest book is In Praise of Prejudice: The Necessity of Preconceived Ideas.