The gloomy view most of us have on the economy reminds me of the joke about the guy caught in adultery. “Who’re you going to believe-me or your cheating eyes?” he asks his wife.

Even though most of us are doing pretty well, the Bush administration has simply never been able to overcome the constant media drumbeat that we are practically forced to eat newborn babies to stay alive, despite stories like this:

“Employers added a modest 94,000 jobs to their payrolls in November, the unemployment rate held steady at 4.7 percent and wages grew briskly, encouraging signs the nation’s employment climate is holding up in the face of turbulence in the housing and credit markets….

“The 94,000 new jobs in November came after a surprisingly strong payroll gain of 170,000 in October. The unemployment rate stayed at a relatively low 4.7 percent for the third straight month.”