IWF recently partnered with The Center for Union Facts for a new campaign to highlight the stranglehold that teachers unions have on the education system in America, and all the ill effects that go along with that. Naturally, teachers unions haven’t been too happy about the campaign and have tried to paint the campaign as “anti-teacher.” But there is an important difference between being anti-teacher and anti-teachers unions. The campaign aims to show how the unions are damaging America’s public schools by blocking reform and protecting bad teachers. There is nothing anti-teacher about that.
As IWF President Michelle Bernard states in this article, our concern with this issue is that students will not be able to compete in the 21st century workforce:
“The only ones who are suffering are the kids who graduate–if they graduate: They will not be able to compete in the 21st Century,” Bernard said.
I encourage everyone to check out www.teachersunionsexposed.com/ and learn more about the campaign, including the Ten Worst Union-Protected Teachers contest. Also check out Michelle Bernard talking about the campaign (and the need for merit pay for teachers) on Fox News here.