For Immediate Release: Contact: Carol Eberly
April 2, 2008 202-349-5882 or
[email protected]
London Authors Come to U.S. to Debunk Al Gore Alarmism
Scares like Global Warming Threaten Civilization
Washington, D.C. – A book that has been touted by Mail on Sunday as a must read for every politician, journalist, and consumer of journalism makes its way to the United States. First released in the UK, Scared to Death, by authors Christopher Booker and Richard North, shows how the major scares of the last two decades follow an overarching pattern, reveals the devastating fiscal repercussions of such scares, and debunks Al Gore’s version of global warming while exposing how political forces have driven global warming debates.
Scared to Death tells the inside story of each of the major scares of the past two decades by providing the real facts and demonstrating how these scares have followed a remarkably consistent pattern. It analyses the crucial role played in each case by scientists who have misread or manipulated the evidence; by the media and lobbyists who eagerly promote the scare without regard to the facts; and finally by the politicians and officials who come up with an absurdly disproportionate response. The end result is often that the public pays a colossal price for the scare through misplaced and often ill-conceived legislation that addresses illusory and scientifically unfounded concerns. The book features analyses of all of these scares, among others: Asbestos, Global Warming, Second-Hand Smoking, Lead, and Salmonella.
Sample Questions for Christopher Booker and Richard North:
- Scared to Death has aroused a lot of interest in Britain. Why should it be of interest to an American audience?
- What is a specific example of one of the scares you describe in your book to show how the experts got it wrong?
- So scares, as you say in your book, are costing us the earth, often without our being aware of it?
- We hear so much about the consensus among scientists about the grave danger of global warming. Can the public trust these scientists, particular at the prestigious United Nation?
Credentials: Christopher Booker was one of the founders of Private Eye and its first editor. He has a weekly column in the Sunday Telegraph and a regular column in the Daily Mail. He has published several books. Richard North is a political analyst who has been a research director in the European Parliament, and was formerly a nationally known consultant on public health and food safety.
Availability: April 14-17, 2008 in Washington, D.C. and via telephone.
Already released in the UK, Scared to Death has been reviewed or featured in the Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Mail on Sunday, Morning Star, Time Out London, The Scotsman, among other publications.
For more information or to schedule an interview with Christopher Booker and Richard North,
please call Carol Eberly at 202-349-5882 or [email protected].