Christopher Booker and Richard North are back in the UK after a fabulous book event in DC last week (and if you missed the event, don’t worry — we’ll post a video of the event here on soon) but if you want to stay updated on their work, I’d recommend checking out Richard’s blog, EU Referendum.
One of the recent items on Richard’s blog is a column from Christopher that cites a new report by the Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC):
The report – Nature Not Human Activity Rules the Climate – presents a devastating analysis of the IPCC’s case. Intended for a lay audience and signed by scientists from 15 countries, it takes all the key points of the IPCC’s “consensus” case and tears them expertly apart, showing how the Intergovernmental Panel has either exaggerated, distorted or suppressed the evidence available to it, or has imputed much greater certainty to its findings than is justified by the data.
One of the central flaws in the IPCC’s case is its reliance on computer models, based only on those parts of the evidence which suit its chosen “narrative”, omitting or downplaying hugely important factors which might produce a very different picture. These range from the role played by water vapour, by far the most important of the greenhouse gases, to the influence of solar activity on cloud cover.
The report’s most startling passage, however, is one that examines the “fingerprint” of warming at different levels of the atmosphere which the computer models come up with as proof that the warming is man-made. The pattern actually shown by balloon and satellite records is so dramatically different that, even on the IPCC’s own evidence, the report concludes, “anthropogenic greenhouse gases can contribute only in a minor way to the current warming, which is mainly of natural origin”.
The significance of this can scarcely be overestimated. At just the moment when, thanks to the overwhelming pressure generated by the IPCC, the world’s politicians, led by the EU, are committing us to spending untold trillions of pounds, dollars and euros on measures to “mitigate” the claimed effects of man-made warming, here is a galaxy of experts producing hard evidence that – if the problem exists at all – the official explanation for it is oriented in wholly the wrong direction.
Furthermore the consequences of that warming and of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have, on balance, been wholly beneficial, by increasing plant growth.
The real danger, the report warns, is not a continued warming but that temperatures and agricultural production might drop as the world faces its worst food shortage in decades (now being made worse by the crazed rush to give over farmland to biofuels). And if that is the way the evidence lies, how much are any of our politicians doing to prepare for a crisis already upon us?
More here.