Due to a rise in female suicide attacks, the Daughters of Iraq, a group of approxiamately 70 women are bravely standing together in an attempt to curb Iraq’s growing wave of female suicide bombers.

The group of women security volunteers was formed in an effort to stop female suicide attacks in Diyala province, still torn by violence. The women will begin searching other women at checkpoints, schools and hospitals next week.

The group of 70 represented a total of 130 women who graduated after a five-day training course. They join the ranks of some 80,000 U.S.-allied men security volunteers countrywide, called the Sons of Iraq.

Unlike their male counterparts, however, the Daughters of Iraq will not carry weapons.

The program was conceived in response to a rise in female suicide attacks in the province, said U.S. army Capt. Charles Knoll, whose unit is responsible for security in several towns in the Diyala river valley, north of Baghdad.

More than nine suicide attacks have been carried out by women in Diyala this year, part of a wave of over 20 female suicide attacks countrywide.

We see female police in America and we want to be like them,” said Alwan. “It is a dream we want to make true. We want to use all the power we have to help our country.”

“The danger is normal for me,” she said. “If I don’t help my country, who will?”

Read the complete article here.