The Independent Women’s Forum is gathering signatures for education reform through an online petition.

Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) senior fellow Alison Kasic says education is suffering due to a government monopoly on the institution. In conjunction with the online petition for school choice, Kasic says the site offers various materials for parents on the subject of school choice.
“This is a program we launched last year called ‘Women for School Choice.’ We have a lot of research available on school choice programs through that program, and we also have an online petition for any parents out there or really anyone who is in support of more choice in education,” Kasic explains. “[That choice] comes in a wide variety of forms. Some people enjoy charter schools or voucher programs or education tax credits, and we view all of those as positive developments.”
Kasic says as the 2008 presidential election continues, the McCain-Palin ticket has been very supportive of school choice while the Obama-Biden ticket has not been as supportive — although she notes that Obama has taken a lot of heat for his stance on performance-based pay for teachers.