The Employee Freedom Action Committee premiered its first major ad last night, criticizing the Democratic Party for supporting “The Employee Free Choice Act,” which would eliminate the secret ballot process required to unionize workplaces. Over at, Amanda Carpenter reports that former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern is taking a prominent role the ad campaign:
In the ad McGovern says: “I’m concerned about a bill in Congress that would effectively eliminate an employee’s right to a private vote when deciding whether to join a union.
“It’s hard to believe that any politician would agree to a law denying millions of employees the right to a private vote. I have always been a champion of labor unions. But I fear that today’s union leaders are turning their backs on democratic workplace elections. I’ve listened to all their arguments and reviewed the facts on both sides. Quite simply, this proposed law cannot be justified. Working families deserve a voice and a private vote.”
The EFAC estimates Big Labor will spend more than $1 billion urging political candidates to push card check this year.
More info here.
Why aren’t we hearing anything about this important issue from either candidate?