IWF strongly condemns the barbaric stoning of Asha Dhuhulow, a 13 year old Somali girl who was buried up to her neck in front of hundreds of people while stones were hurled at her head. She was dragged out of the hole three times to confirm her death.

“The stoning was totally irreligious and illogical,” said her sister, who asked not to be named. “Islam does not execute a woman for adultery unless four witnesses and the man with whom she committed sex are brought forward publicly.” 

It has actually been determined that the young girl was a victim of a gang rape and the Islamic militiamen in her town accused her of adultery and sentenced her to be stoned. Now she lays murdered — having been victimized twice. 

Stoning is a grave and serious violation of International Human Rights Law. Stoning breeches the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights (1966). Somalia acceded to the convention in 1990.

Stoning is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran and is considered by many respected Muslim scholars to be un-Islamic. Many Muslim states such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Tunisia, Algeria and others have banned death by stoning. Despite calls for abolition from around the globe, stoning still occurs in several countries, either under law or by the community.

This act must be condemned by the entire international community and action should be taken to protect women throughout the world who are falling victim to stoning.  Pressure must be placed on the Somali government to have all those with a hand in this gruesome act to be prosecuted.