Charles Kruathammer has a typically brilliant piece today, which highlights how government intervention is changing our “free market” (at least sort of ) economy into one that is controlled largely by politics. The whole article is a must read, but the section on the ramification of Washington dictating decision making in Detroiit was particularly well done:

Even more egregious will be the directives to a nationalized Detroit. Sen. Charles Schumer, the noted automotive engineer, declared “unacceptable” last week “a business model based on gas.” Instead, “We need a business model based on cars of the future, and we already know what that future is: the plug-in hybrid electric car.”

The Chevy Volt, for example? It has huge remaining technological hurdles, gets 40 miles on a charge and will sell for about $40,000, necessitating a $7,500 outright government subsidy. Who but the rich and politically correct will choose that over a $12,000 gas-powered Hyundai? The new Detroit churning out Schumer-mobiles will make the steel mills of the Soviet Union look the model of efficiency.