Just as the First Family arrived in Martha’s Vineyard for their summer vacation on Sunday, Rasmussen released a new Presidential Tracking Poll showing a significant downturn in the president’s approval rating.
Only 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that President Obama is performing his role as president and 41% Strongly Disapprove of his performance.
What’s particularly interesting is the decline in support for Obama from his own party: Just 49% of Democrats Strongly Approve of the president.
As I’ve written before, public opinion mirrors elite opinion. And in recent days we’ve seen many in the liberal media speak out against the president’s continued effort to overhaul the nation’s health care system. The fact is, when elite opinion is as intense and one-sided as it’s been, public opinion follows suit.
Mr. President, the heat is on, but you might be looking at some record low temperatures.