The Independent Women’s Forum reports that its “About Our Children” event was a success.
The About Our Children town hall event was a collaboration of the Independent Women’s Forum and MSNBC. The event aired Sunday night and featured entertainer Dr. Bill Cosby. “You parents — we need you, your children need you, their school teachers need you,” Cosby stated during the program.
Nicole Kurokawa, a senior policy analyst with IWF, says the main message of the event was parental responsibility.
“We want to encourage parents to examine themselves and to step up and then be an advocate for their child,” she says. “[We want them to know] that nobody is going to love your child the way that you love your child, and nobody is going to advocate for them and defend them like you will. So this is a call to arms.”
The town hall event featured a panel of experts who spoke on issues ranging from education to healthcare. Panelists also fielded questions submitted by audience members and viewers on Twitter and YouTube.
According to Kurokawa, the event was sold out. She is hopeful her organization will be able to hold similar events in the future.
In conjunction with the effort, the IWF has launched, an About Our Children grassroots effort.