The Alliance for School Choice has just released its 2009-2010 edition of the School Choice Yearbook. This valuable resource includes data, trends, and research about the country’s 18 school voucher and tax-credit scholarship programs, including:
• In spite of the worst economic climate in decades, funding for school voucher and scholarship tax credit programs increased by $29 million this year, and student enrollment is up by 5 percent, to nearly 180,000.
• There are 11 states (plus D.C.) offering either school voucher programs or scholarship tax-credit programs, and five of these programs are designed specifically to help students with special needs.
• Florida has more students enrolled in school choice programs than any other state in the country (46,900 students).
•· Indiana is the newest state to add a school choice program, a $2.5 million corporate and individual scholarship tax credit program that will begin serving students in 2010.