Even though immigration and financial reform are dominating the headlines this week, Rasmussen Reports shows that Americans remain staunchly opposed to the recent health care overhaul.

President Obama and Congress hoped that Americans would just begin to accept – and “like” – the new law. But despite the President’s attempt to sell the new law to the public, tremendous opposition persists.

In fact, not only do Americans not accept the recent government takeover of health care, but a strong majority supports repealing the bill.

Rasmussen tells us 58 percent of likely voters favor repealing the bill; 47percent strongly favor repeal.  Compare that to the only 29 percent who strongly oppose the repeal effort.  And it appears that number has remained relatively constant over the past five weeks, since Congress passed the bill.

And some facts that should worry every American (or at least every Democrat up for re-election in November): An even larger majority (60 percent) believe that the new law will increase the federal deficit.  57 percent of Americans believe health care costs will go up as a result of the new law.  And 51 percent believe health care quality will go down.

Looks like it’s going to take a lot more than lofty rhetoric to convince the American people on this one.